Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Baseball Season

Baseball Season is upon us, and even I am in the game. Quincy demands it. I have noticed a trend, whatever sport "season" it is... he is obsessed with. So it stands to reason, that Baseball would be no exception. We have our Mariner's shirts and ball caps ready, and a 2 year old sized baseball bat has been purchased (although only allowed OUTSIDE). Let it be know... this kid can play. He hits the ball more often that you would think, and then he "runs the bases" and usually informs me that I have to say "run", which I do.

We are counting on him going right to the major's out of college and paying for mommy and daddy's retirement. No pressure.

After playing at home over and over and over again... we took it to the baseball fields. He ran the bases several times. Sometimes he would start at 3rd and make his way to first... we will work out the details later.

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