Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Special" Sandbox

There is no mistaking it, fall is upon us and in the Pacific Northwest that means rain, and lots of it. 

Last weekend Quincy wanted to go play in the dirt (um, yes, he is 110% boy). He has all kinds of little tractors and construction vehicles that he likes to dig in the dirt with, and if that is a change from his usual request to watch "Scooby Doo" or "Sponge Bob Square Pants" I am all for it.

With the rainy weather however, even when it is not actually raining, the dirt is quite saturated and not at all conducive to digging.

So last weekend I got creative, and followed a queue from Quincy's daycare.... a rice "sandbox". I found the biggest tupperware I could find, and the remnants of the rice I had and he loved it. He played for quite awhile in his sandbox, and played in it almost everyday this week.

A couple days ago I stepped it up just a little bit... bought a bigger aluminum roasting pan and a very cheap, big bag of rice.

Our floor is nearly always covered with rice, but that is OK, as long as he is happy and using his imagination instead of being glued to the TV! Anyhow... my floors are nearly always a mess anyhow, who am I kidding.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

that's pretty creative. why am i not surprised you thought to do that :)