Sunday, March 15, 2009

California: Final Thoughts

My trips to visit California are never long enough, and are far too infrequent. I miss my family and friends, and I always leave wishing I had more time to visit more people... it seems I always miss out on visiting at least a few people I had hoped to see.

Thank you to my mom, who always graciously opens her home to us! She has a beautiful home with a lovely view, and all the old folks in her neighborhood loved us in our mammoth, beige Lincoln. Quincy is lucky to have an involved Grandmother (or Babo, as he calls her?!) and we were so happy to have a night on the town baby-free!

I am grateful to my brothers who kept Quincy quite entertained throughout the entire trip! He would have been perfectly content doing nothing but playing basketball and the drums with them the entire 7 days.

Grandpa shared his chocolate milk with Quincy and built a fire everyday, and that's all it takes to make a two year old happy. What a swell Grandpa!


Corinne Morash said...

love all your Cali posts! And, the Legoland tip is one we have to share! PS - did you buy yourself a special header? Or get that somewhere? Please share the details! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the trip with us. My heart sank when you talked about moving to California. I know it must be hard being away from your southern family, but you know that we love you as our own and would be so sad to loose you. No pressure, just love.