Thursday, May 1, 2008

Major Disappointment!

Quincy has continued to be sick all week... and we are unsure if it is due to the antibiotic the doctor prescribed or if he has a contagious virus. We hemmed and hawed all week long and with a few hours to go have decided it will be far less stressful and much more enjoyable for all if we just re-schedule our trip for later in June. The visions of a sick baby on the plane, and even worse for all of us to come down with the stomach flu while in San Diego, helped us to make the decision. I am quite disappointed as I REALLY was needing a trip somewhere warm and to spend some time with my hubby to refresh and reconnect. Oh well, next month maybe. If we can last that long.


Jerrie said...

I'm so sad for you! Come to the farm and leave the bomar with us for a few hours.

Hunt Family Ramblings said...

Cicely, I hate it when everyone is sick. Sometimes it seems like it will never end. I can tell you are a great Mom! If you ever make it down to San Diego, make sure you let me know! Hope you have a great week.

FitmamaMichele said...

Sorry to hear you've been dealing with a sick little boy. I hope Quin gets a good long streak of health to give you and Dan a much deserved breather.