Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Week in Review

It has been a busy and eventful week for us here. Monday morning started off with a bang, literally, as I collided with a tree when I hit the gas instead of the brakes while trying to park. Not a good way to begin my morning. Both the tree and our car have been better, I myself have been to the chiropractor and received a couple massages to try and keep my back and neck from hurting. That evening, a good friend from work dropped off a hand me down train table for Quincy and he has requested to take all his meals there everyday since. The boy spends every waking moment playing with those trains!

The weather has taken an incredible turn this week as well, with temperatures soaring into the 90's. We are just not used to the warmth having spent the last 6 months in a deep freeze. It is hard to acclimate to the change, and whats worse is the massive thaw of snow pack causing the rivers to swell and flood. We checked out Snoqualmie Falls this morning, and it was fuller than I have ever seen it before.

The highlight of the week however was when Jerrie offered to watch Quincy over the weekend to allow for Dan and I to spend some good alone time together. It was just perfect and I am so grateful to my dear sister in law for the offer! We had a delicious meal at a very nice restaurant where they DO NOT have kids menu's, and we both slept in on Sunday morning and went for a nice drive and enjoyed the sunny warm morning. It was a success, and despite some moderate difficulties with his sleeping (sorry for the 4:30am wake up Jerrie and Karl!) he did pretty well at his first sleepover away from us. We joined everyone back out at the farm Sunday afternoon to help celebrate Karli's 12th birthday, and ended the week off perfectly. It was a very relaxing and very nice weekend, I feel refreshed and ready to start a new week and looking forward to the upcoming 3 day weekend!


Life, Love and a Lil Sauce said...

I'm so glad you found me! Your little boy is ADORABLE!!! Cute family! I love that we can all keep in touch and see what is going on in everyones life ... Love the blogging world! Just the other day I was thinking about some yummy fish tacos your mom made at a birthday party for jessica when we were like 9. Don't know why, but I was.

FitmamaMichele said...

I hope you are feeling better! Glad you finally had a nice adult night!

We're only moving to Snoqualmie Ridge, so actually not too far afterall. :o) We were looking in Redmond, but I liked the house in Snoqualmie so much more.