Well, I feel quite loved and very much spoiled after this Mother's Day weekend and I wonder how I am so lucky? I was able to sleep in both Saturday and Sunday morning, which in itself is pure heaven for me... but then to top it off, I also received the most beautiful bouquet of roses and a perfume I had wanted for a long time. It was much more than I had expected, and I wonder if Dan realizes the precedent he is setting here?! I am well taken care of, and I know that Quin will be a great father and husband someday just through the example Dan sets for him.
I think back to two years ago, Mother's Day morning, when I took that first pregnancy test and knew it was official...I was going to be a mommy. So much has changed since then, life is definitely more complicated and at times far more challenging, but also so much more rewarding. I have so many great examples of mothers all around me, and I am grateful everyday to them. My own mother of course deserves the most credit of all. Showing us children love, and support in everything we do. I knew she was my mother and she had the authority in the house, but I also knew she was a friend and somebody who could help me when things got difficult. Even now as a mother myself, I know that she is there for me when I need her and surprisingly at 30 years old, I need her often. I also have been blessed with a sister in law who displays what I think most mother's only aspire to. A woman who does it all, and always with excitement, patience and unconditional love. I know that in her, I can see glimpses of the mother in law I never had the fortune of meeting, yet raised some of the greatest people in my life today. I am awed by my sweet friends Kristin and Erin, single mom's who are able to parent their darling girls along, showing strength everyday. I know they face challenges as mothers that I could not imagine and this gives me courage to keep going myself. My best friend Darla amazes me, as she generously takes on raising not only her adorable daughter, but also her nephew as well as an entire household of challenging teenage girls. She is a busy mom, but always good humored and I love her dearly. As I look around, I know I am part of an amazing group of woman and I learn from them each day. You just never really truly understand the sacrifices and love of a mother until you are one, do you? I read a quote today that I liked, Sophia Loren said "A mother always has to think twice: once of herself and once for her child". I thought that summed it up quite well. Happy Mother's day to all. Enjoy some of my favorite mommy pictures....
8 years ago
Awe, Happy Mother's Day Cicely! Thanks for the shout out and for making me cry! I love you! It's still crazy that we are moms. It was like just last week we were 11 years old. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. You deserved it.
You are so sweet! Thanks for the sweet words!! I am glad you had such a wonderful Mother's Day! I hope to get to see you this summer if you make it to Cali!! Love ya girl....we need to talk soon! Got lots to share!!
I'm glad to hear you had such a wonderful Mother's Day. It's so awesome you are surrounded by such a wondeful group of women. We're planning on moving in closer to the city, so I would love to see you and Quincy sometime soon!
Happy Belated Mother's Day my friend. Thank you for the love. I miss you and hope I can see you here before I leave. Take care and enjoy the warmth! Love you.
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