mother could love
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Seattle Aquarium
After dropping my mom off at the airport to head back home, we decided to play "tourists" and hit the waterfront. We visited the Seattle Aquarium, ate some fish and chips at Ivar's, and had a Carousel ride. Quincy was beside himself. He was so full of joy he was bursting! It was pretty funny, especially as his joy manifests itself in the form of mega-energy and super-loud two year old. It was a setting where we could allow it, so it was fun for all (until it came time to leave, the fun stopped then).
A visit with Grandma
We had the pleasure of spending some time with my mom this last few weeks. She came up at the end of July, and was able to stay for a little over 2 weeks. Quincy had a great time. He insisted on mostly hanging around the house with Grandma all day, but I think they got in some nice walks as well as a visit to Woodland Park Zoo, and the Children's Museum. Dan and I filled up on as many "date-nights" as we could. I hope my dear mother didn't feel too taken advantage of! :) We loved it! We even went on a double date one night with friends whose daughter was staying with her Grandma too! Yay for Grandma's!! I really, really, really wish I had one around more often. Hmmm... I am sure there are some good speech pathologist jobs here in North Bend. I even briefly thought I could handle another child, then reality hit... I could only do it if I had a live-in Granny!
Sadly, because Quincy and Grandma mostly hung around the house... and Dan and I tried to not hang out around the house, we have limited photographs of this last couple weeks with Grandma. We did go on an adventure one day while she was here however. It started out as a trip to "Northwest Trek" and ended up as a trip to Mount Rainier. I think we were all very happy it ended up that way too. It was a perfect day, and Mount Rainier is just so lovely. We did a little "hiking"... as much as one can do with a 2 year old, and had a really nice lunch at the Inn in Longmire as well. While hiking around we even came across a mother deer with her two young fawns. It was quite a sight.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Seven Year Itch
A visit to Cannon Beach
Much needed "Team Williams" family updates... coming your way!!! Isn't it funny, when we have the most to blog about, is also when I have no time to blog! I will do my best to update everyone on all that we have done over the last month (or more) over the next couple days.
Most recently... a fabulous, albeit too short (3 days), trip to Cannon Beach, OR. It had been a several years since Dan and I went, and it was Quincy's first real visit to the ocean. The last two hours of the long drive there, Quincy whined that he wanted to go back home. The last two hours of the long drive home, he whined that he didn't want to go home and demanded we return to our cottage and the beach. We all wished we could have stayed longer (and I wished the weather had been just a little bit nicer!) Our favorite parts of the trip:
- A visit to the Tillamook Cheese factory! Quincy loved watching all the conveyor belts and cheese moving from one place to another
- Ice Cream! Ice Cream! Ice Cream!
- Playing in the sand, making castles... and then DESTROYING said castles
- Time to relax together as a family
- Lots of walks on the beach
- Our little beach cottage, just a block from the beach
- Playing in the waves, the cold Oregon waves
- Seeing the starfish in the tide pools of Haystack Rock
- Watching all the colorful kites in the sky