Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Christmas to All!!!

We had a lovely Christmas, very mellow, at home just the three of us along with my sister. It was nice and relaxed, and the baby took it all in nicely. He was mostly interested in walking all around the room saying "Uh-Oh", his new word and something he says pretty darned often these days. Quincy received a couple toys, one from Grandpa Gary and one from Santa, but he was mostly interested in paper and a variety of other items he shouldn't be getting into. I do love this time of year, but it is sometimes a little bit of a relief once it is all over. Now the clean up begins!!

In addition to clean up, there are also party plans to be made! Quin's first birthday is coming up so soon. January 6th, and I have a lot to do before then. Thankfully my mom will be here visiting for a few days, and that will allow me the extra pair of hands I need to get my list of chores completed. We will have a small birthday party with some friends and family to celebrate that we now officially are out of "infancy" and into "toddler"-dom. I am absolutely astounded when I really think about it more than 30 seconds. My little tiny boy is growing up so fast, and I just can't seem to slow it down.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Darling pictures!!! I still have a Christmas card for you and need your address...can you text it to me?? I can't wait to see bday pictures!