Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Can't keep a good baby down!

As Quin approaches the 9 month mark, he has decided that simply sitting is no longer a viable option. He MUST be crawling, or standing at all times. In the bath I battle to keep in sitting down, and when changing his dirty diapers I resort to physically holding the boy down in order to avoid a gigantic poopy mess. And something I have learned over the last few months... just because he is 1/10 my size does not mean he only has 1/10 my strength!!! I am going to have to go to the gym just to keep up with him.

October is here, and the fall weather is along with it in full force. It is chilly and the leaves are beginning to turn. I caught a great photo last weekend of Dan and Quin as our little family ventured into the "big city" for an adventure at the Freemont Flea Market. Driving in Seattle is not something we do often now that we live in the mountains of North Bend, even after promising ourselves we would return at least once a month when we moved here. We had a fun day, and Quincy was a very good boy! He wins all kinds of admirers everywhere we go. I think we even got some good deals on a few purchases just because of the extra cute baby we had with us!

Auntie Chet (Jessica) is back in town for a few weeks, and we have been able to spend some time with her which is always fun. We love to hear of her adventures and hi-jinks while on the road travelling. I especially like the extra set of hands to help with the baby so I can do things, like sleep. Dan and I usually get at least one date out the deal too, which we need desperately! Its really hard to stay connected as husband and wife when we are pulled in so many other directions, but we both know how important it is for our family.
Hope all is well with our dear family and friends reading this! Love to all!
D, C & Q


Erin said...

He is so adorable with those big blue eyes! We do need to talk soon!! i am starting to have my 30 crisis!!!

Anonymous said...

I literally laughed out loud reading the "physically holding him down" part when you described a diaper change. We went through that and thought... ohmigosh - does this ever end! We dreaded every diaper. Happy to say - it was just a phase - but reading about your experience brought me back to that moment. LOL.