Sunday, September 6, 2009

Quincy Quotes

Quincy is a chatterbox. I don't know where he gets it from. He say
s the funniest things sometimes:

Yesterday as I picked him up, this was the conversation -
Me: groan You are such a big, heavy boy now
Quincy: No I am not. I am little. I am little, like a squirrel.

On our way out to a Mexican Restaurant-
Quincy: I want a hot dog
Me: Oh, Quincy sometimes we go places that don't have hot dogs. We get to try something new.
Quincy: Oh BUMMER.
Really, what made this the funniest had more to do with the face he made and the tone he said it in. Dan and I were in stitches.

He has also turned into a backseat driver, telling Daddy to slow down. Dan like to thank me for that. heehee.

Oh, it's fun!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

gotta love kids! they definitely do say the funniest things and pick up on EVERYTHING!