Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

We had a lovely three day weekend, with sun and warm weather to really make it feel as a Fourth of July weekend should... hot and sticky! We celebrated with friends on Friday evening, and on Saturday Quincy and I went with Darby and Ellette, over to Darby's mom's place for some fun and BBQ. The kids had fun (although Quincy was seriously lacking sleep, which is dangerous) playing together, throwing rocks in the lake, and watching the fireworks go off all around us. We got home and laid out on the lawn watching the neighborhood fireworks light up the sky. Quincy became frightened by the noise, so all the little fireworks I bought went unused and he ended up sleeping in our bed all night.

Today we celebrated the last day of the long weekend, and warm weather with a quick trip to local Ollalie state park. It was pretty, and the river looked tempting on a hot day like today.